Alan Reiner (December 11, 2007): " You know, my family was there from 1955 through June, 1966. What I remember is that there were no social lines of demarcation (at least for the kids) that I have experienced ever since I came to Detroit in 1969. Three channels, no phones (don't count the crank things now) swamp coolers, baseball, Christmas, bus to school in September and May windows open (please refer to the Swamp cooler thing) burning barrels in the alley, chasing a basketball off the cement slab when it hit a rock, meeting the Air Force Security Team at the missle silo when Steve Jameson, John Rickman and I were classsified a security risk while screwing around at the gate, knowing when a "stranger" was driving around (because they didn't "belong" there) and of course our collective silliness that made us think the rest of our lives would be just like THAT! Would that it could be."
Walt Maxam: "Thanks for some forgotten memories......a lot of the same stuff for the Gas Plant kids.We did have that special treat of pedaling a bike 8 miles up to Silver Bell, have a coke and your choice of Hostess poroducts on the steps of Davidoff's store. Rough trip up, but the ride back down was pure heaven."
David A. Wyatt: " I remember a couple of us rode our bikes to Marana and back one day, well almost back when it got dark a pickup came looking for us and were we glad to see it like you say the ride down was great but going back up was rough even though we were in better shape than most of us today. Also remember riding down the street at the New Houses and trying to make the turn at the bottom of the hill going toward Elders, still have scars from not making the turn on 2 wheels."
Mike McFerrin: " Who was the kid that fell off the sewer pipe bridge and busted his head open? I seem to remember his name was Bobby and he was the older of two brothers."
David A. Wyatt: " I think the last name was Oswald, mabe Rudy or a brother."
Walt Maxam: "Rudy fell off the pipe."
Veronica Gilliam Herd: " Thanks Alan for reminding me of some more reasons why Silver Bell was a great place to grow up...I was in the 4th grade when we got phones (1968) and you only had to dial the last 4 digits back then. By the way, my Dad, Jim Gilliam, thought the world of your Dad. He said he was a very fine man."
Alan Reiner: " Still miss him all these years later...really funny for an engineer! Rudy Oswell...his dad was a blaster Left town in 8th grade and went to Amphi younger brother carl and even younger stephen I think. his cousins lived behind (or next to) us Nancy Oswell and Anna Mary Oswell...older than us."
Cathy Harris: " Alan, Kay Avery here, you painted a lovely picture of the utopia we grew up in.
We moved up there from New Mexico in May 1954 and lived in the apartments. After they filled in that canyon they brought in what was known as the "new" houses. Rudy was down the street on my side and Darla was 4 houses up from mine on the other side. We were in the houses before Christmas and I think everyone received new bikes that year."
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